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Arnica FAQs

Here you can find answers to many Frequently Asked Questions.
What is Arnica?

Arnica montana is a perennial herb grown in Southern and Eastern Europe and Siberia. Arnica montana has been known since the 16th century as a topical treatment for acute conditions such as sprains, bruises and painful swelling1.  Health Canada recognizes the therapeutic properties of Arnica montana2. RUB·A535™ uses Arnica montana that is grown sustainably in Spain and Romania.

The RUB·A535™ Natural Source Arnica Gel-Cream have a 15% concentration of Arnica montana flower, which is a herbal preparation. This is not a homeopathic remedy.

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1. Knuesel, O. & Weber, M. (2002).  Arnica montana gel in osteoarthritis of the knee: An open, multicenter clinical trial. Advances in Therapy, 19(5): 209-218.
2. Health Canada (n.d.). Product Monograph: Arnica.  Retrieved May 1, 2014 from http://webprod.hc-sc.gc.ca/nhpid-bdipsn/atReq.do?atid=arnica&lang=eng